Symptoms & Diagnosis

Diabetic Foot

Diabetic foot is a serious medical condition that causes damage to the nerves and blood vessels in the feet as a result of prolonged high blood sugar levels. Diabetic foot is a common problem among people with diabetes, especially older adults, and can lead to serious complications if not treated properly.

Causes of diabetic foot:

High blood sugar levels are one of the main causes of diabetic foot. This increase leads to damage to the peripheral neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease in the feet, which affects the ability to feel pain and increases the possibility of developing wounds and ulcers that do not heal quickly.

Diabetic foot symptoms:

Common diabetic foot symptoms may include:
• The feet may become painfully cold.
• Feeling tingling or numbness in the feet.
• Dry and cracked skin.
• Foot ulcers that do not heal quickly.
• Changes in skin color.
• bad smell.
• Severe diabetic foot disease may lead to amputation.

Diabetic foot treatment:

• Monitor blood sugar levels: Patients with diabetes must maintain blood sugar levels within the normal range using appropriate drug therapy and following a healthy diet.
• Foot care: Patients must pay attention to cleanliness of the feet, avoid infection, and use appropriate and comfortable shoes.
• Treating wounds and ulcers: In the event of wounds or ulcers, the patient must obtain the necessary medical care. Treatment may include cleaning the wound, applying special bandages, and in some cases surgical treatment may be required.

Directing patients to the medical center for treatment:

To obtain optimal treatment and regular medical follow-up, patients with diabetic foot should be directed to a medical center specializing in the treatment of diabetes and its complications, where they can receive comprehensive medical care that includes periodic examinations to measure sugar levels, evaluations of nerves and blood vessels, and provide appropriate treatment to ensure the maintenance of diabetes. Healthy feet and avoiding serious complications.
In short, diabetic foot is a serious health problem that requires immediate care and treatment. By directing patients to the specialized medical center, they can be provided with the necessary medical care and comprehensive treatment that helps them effectively manage their condition and avoid serious complications.

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